Earn 12% p.a returns on your savings
Start your savings journey today!

Some kind words from our users


Fello is the best savings app!! I am getting 12% on my savings and daily interest is credited. Fello has made me for...

G Roshan

Fello motivates me to save more and more from my earnings and I earn extra returns by getting rewards in Tickets. Cu...

R V Ramesh Naidu

Fello motivates me to save each day with Autosave, and I get even better returns than my FDs. Fello taught me how I ...

Rosy Vijay

Fello is the best saving app I came across with 12% returns on my savings. Fello has helped me on my routine for savings...


Fello has changed my saving game completely! Fello motivates me to increase my saving each day. I got 10% returns on my ...


Using Fello since 5 months and having great experience till now. Best about Fello app is the rewards system, which motiv...


Saving a part of my income in digital Gold by investing since an year now. Thanks to Fello team for introducing this...

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Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is the invested money? Who is the money lent to?

Your funds are safe and secure with our lending partner Lendbox. To safeguard the investments, a lender's money is distributed across borrowers who are assessed on 200+ parameters to check the creditworthiness of the borrowers to ensure the credibility of borrowers.

How does Lendbox (P2P Lending partner) manage the risk of default on my money?

Lendbox follows a robust credit assessment policy to bring only the most creditworthy borrowers to the platform. They categorize borrowers by risk and allocate funds in a manner that reduces the risk of capital erosion for investors. In higher risk categories, lendbox invests as little as ₹100 per loan account and go only as high as ₹5,000 in low risk categories.

What happens to my money after maturity?

Fello Flo Premium plans allow you to decide what happens to your money after maturity. You can choose what you want to do with your money while you invest. If you do not select a preference, we will contact you and confirm what you want to do with the corpus post maturity.